Lemonade Juice Recipe | How to make Lemonade from Lemon Juice
Lemonade Juice Recipe is one of the easy and simple recipes which can be served instantly, all we need to do is to prepare this recipe well in advance and store it in a container. Learn how to make lemonade from lemon juice with our step by step image instrucitons.

Usually, preparation of this recipe can be formulated on the basis of 1:1:1 i.e. 1 cup lemon juice: 1 cup sugar: 1 cup water. But based on your taste, you can increase or decrease sugar levels.
Once you prepare lemonade juice we can refrigerate (to increase its shelf life), it can be served instantly by just adding chilled water dressed with few ice cubes. During summers it is the best refreshing beverage that can be given to your children once they come tired from their schools.
Previously only a few people learned this formula but nowadays this preparation has become a huge business in India, traders are using this formula to mix with carbonated water and make huge profits during the summer season.
TIPS to make perfect lemonade juice recipe:
- First, make a sugar syrup and then extract lemon juice so that lemon juice doesn’t turn bitter.
- Adding a little salt to lemon extract will stop the juice from turning bitter.
- If we add lemon extract to sugar syrup before it’s completely cooled, our recipe gets spoiled.
- Once the sugar syrup is cooled, we find it turning into crystals. But when we add lemon extract then its concentration turns into a thick syrup.
- Store this recipe in the refrigerator for longer shelf life.
- Filter or discard lemon seeds as this may give a bitter taste.
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Lemonade Juice Recipe | How to make Lemonade from Lemon Juice
Lemonade Juice Recipe is one of the easy and simple recipes which can be served instantly, all we need to do is to prepare this recipe well in advance and store it in a container. Learn how to make lemonade from lemon juice with our step by step image instructions.
- Lemon extract – 1 liter as per measurement bowl
- Sugar – 2 Kg.
- Salt – 1 tbsp.
- Water – 1 bowl the same bowl used to measure sugar and lemon extract
- First, let’s make a sugar syrup by adding 2 bowls of refined sugar in a cooking vessel and add 1 bowl of water to make thin sugar syrup.
- Let the stove and let it boil for 2-3 minutes till we get a thin stackable concentration.
- Lower the flame and check the concentration of sugar syrup with your fingers as shown in the image or video.
- Once we get the required concentration, off the flame and keep aside to completely cool.
- While the syrup is being cooled, let’s extract lemon juice.
- In a bowl add a little salt and start extracting lemon juice by discarding seeds.
- Once the sugar syrup is completely cooled, add this juice and mix well so that even sugar crystals get dissolved and get a thick concentration of Lemonade Juice.
- Store this juice in a sterilized jar and use it when required.
- While serving add a small quantity of Lemonade syrup and add chilled water.
Recipe Video
How to make Lemonade from Lemon Juice:
1. Add 2 kgs. of sugar (2 bowls) in a large vessel and add 1 bowl of water. i.e., 2:1 ratio.

2. Let the sugar syrup boil for 2-3 minutes till we get the required concentration.

3. To check the right concentration of sugar syrup, put a few drops of syrup on a vessel. Let it cool and when we try to stick with two fingers, we get a mild and thin layer of stickiness.

4. Once we get the required consistency, off the flame and let the syrup completely cool.

5. While the syrup is being cooled let’s extract lemon juice. Add little salt in a vessel. Slice ripe lemons and extract its juice to the brim of the vessel.

6. Add lemon extract to the sugar syrup and mix well. We may feel sugar syrup turning crystallized but when we mix well, everything turns the right way.

7. Pour Lemonade juice in a sterilized jar and refrigerate for future use. This recipe can be preserved for 3 months in a refrigerator without any preservatives.

8. When served add a little quantity of syrup (approximately 5 tbsp. for 250 ml. water) in a glass and pour water and mix well.